Saturday, September 26, 2009

Focus On Today And Let Tomorrow Come

Do not spoil what you have today by focusing on what you do not posses; For the things that you posses today was once among the things you only hoped for. Hopes dreams are fulfilled one day at a time through careful planning. Remember, " An unwritten goal is only a Dream. However Dreams are what leads to goals and new goals soon become a reality if you are flexible during your journey to your final destination
by D.Newburn

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Frog Is Cooked Slow

Let us Remember, It is against the will of God for anyone to be in bondage, in any way. Liberty and Freedom is not a Self Preserving Gift. It has to be earned. And like anything thing of Value it must be protected. Liberty and Freedom must be contin...ually guarded as something more priceless than life its self. Freedom is not lost suddenly it is Lost in degrees, The frog is cooked slowly or he would jump out.

Self Reliance Is The Key

Mass Welfare is not the answer for Perils of today. YOU CAN SINK AN UNSINKABLE SHIP; Just ask the passengers of the Titanic. Man is commanded by God to live by the sweat of his brow, Not someone else's. Bible ref:Genesis 3:19 Money can not come ...from an empty purse,nor food from empty shelves,Understanding can not come from the emotionally starved,neither does teaching come from the unlearned. Self Reliance is the Key
By D. Newburn

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cycle Of Man

If we look at the scriptures we will see throughout time man has followed a particular pattern.
This is an Email that was sent out by our Stake President Harlan Spencer in the Mobile Alabama Stake.

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From great courage to Liberty;
From Liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This seems to be the cycle of man. It would appear that currently we are most in bondage. Keep the commandments of God and follow the words of the Prophets. Let us all have the spiritual faith to help our families through this rough time in our lives. Forgive all who have offended you and humble yourself before God. He is our protection from the world. Go to the Temple often.

The scriptures teach us that the stake is there for our protection. Please know that your ward and stake leaders will keep you informed and we will do all to help you and your family, through all who would hurt or make afraid. Please let us know what is going on in your communities and how we can help. We need to know if you are struggling. We want to help but feel restrained without knowing what you need help with. To, you who are struggling; please show your faith in Jesus Christ by humbling yourself and pleading for him to assist you. He will hear your prayers. We do not have to be without sin to pray as Satan would teach; we just need to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please look into the eyes of those close to you and share your testimony with them.

Love and kindness,

President Harlan Spencer