Sunday, March 11, 2012

Through My trials I have learned

Through my trials I have learned we are judged for every dealing we have with anyone we cross paths with in this life. The world calls it karma; what goes around comes around.

Karma is even something spiritually numb people can see.

I have learned if you judge someone all you are doing is setting up the next trial the Lord will send your way.

We are admonished to be like Christ

He judged no one when he walked the earth.

Through this i have learned our trials test us and those around us who are involved

The bible teaches Judge not that ye be not judged

Each person on earth is being tested on their individual Christ like attributes, and angels are silent note taking as the hymn teaches.

As a Christian you are to do what Christ would do if he were in your shoes every waking moment of every day. That is to bridle your thoughts words and speech and actions so that you can become like him

The 12 apostles are living examples it can be done not only to be an example , but also to leave no room for us to say perfection is an impossible task.

Without the 12 there are many who would say at the judgment bar of God

Your son Jesus had an unfair advantage because he was 1/2 God when he walked the earth.

But the 12 are mortals who grew in perfection one trial at a time.

The eternal truth to be gained is this

The only difference between you and the 12 ( besides the calling) is they have learned to be perfectly obedient to all of Gods commandments.

I have learned things are not always as they seem.

I have learned to never assume.

I have learned it is impossible to point a finger at someone

and not have 3 more pointing at you,

I even tried pointing my thumb and looked and I had

4 fingers this time staring me down.

I have learned the Lord has a way of humbling people.

I have learned you can choose to be humble or you can be humbled.

I have learned the Lord humbles a person in a way that will help,

lift and inspire some while trying others at the same time in the same process.

I have learned an eternal true principle

The Fanatic is one who has lost sight of his goal

and has redoubled his efforts to get there.

I have learned, True commitment is a consistent dedication through a lifetime,

not short frenzied outburst of emotion.

True commitment is 100% of the time. Not an occasional 120% fanatic effort.

I have learned Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind;

But the race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

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