Friday, July 27, 2012


FORGIVENESS Faith Only Reveals Gods Infinite Vision Every Need Eternal Savior Satisfied

When we seek to forgive we seek to become like Christ, When we seek to become like Christ wee seek to forgive. The ability to forgive is a Gift or Talent from God. If we could obtain and develop this gift we could effectively disarm 90% of Satins power. The Gift of forgiveness is obtained through faith fasting and mindful diligence in bridling our thoughts garnished with earnest prayer. Gifts & talents are given but also can be requested from God, Once given the receiver must developed any gift or talent to reap the full benefit. A spiritual gift given without sacrifice and understanding will gather dust on the shelf of life and will be returned to the master having profited nothing (see Matthew 25:14-30) Yet a spiritual gift sought after with much sacrifice and supplication is found accomplishing the mission of the master, purifying the soul of the receiver while blessing those to whom are served. 1 Timothy 4:14 teaches neglect not the gift within you. And Luke12:48 teaches, where much is given much is expected.

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