Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dead Duck

A wealthy plantation owner took Sam, his hired hand hunting ducks one Saturday morning
As they walked along, the boss said, Sam, you believe in God don't you?
And Sam replied, "Yes"
The boss said I don't.
He then said why is it , Sam that I who don't believe in God and I have so much,
and You who believe in God have so little?
I have everything a man could want, but you have almost nothing.
Sam had never thought of that before so he said,
boss i really don't have an answer to that question give me a little while to think this matter over.
So the boss agreed
Sam began to offer a silent prayer in an effort to find an answer to this question.
Just then they came onto a lake and up flew a flock of ducks.
the boss shot and dropped 2 ducks
One was dead and the other was wounded.
Just as Sam went out to get the ducks,
Sam's boss yelled and said get the wounded one first
Or he will get away
He smirked and laughed as he said, (The dead one isn't going anywhere.)
Just then Sam started to smile, his prayer had been answered
As Sam was walking back to his boss he had a smile from ear to ear.
It was such a big smile the boss had to laugh.
Sam said, Boss you have just answered your own question.
His boss replied what do you mean.
Sam said Boss you are the dead duck.
Satan knows I believe in God and he is doing all in his power to make me change my belief.
He knows when he gets through with me
You will always be there.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:4
For after much tribulation come the blessing
Wherefore the day cometh that
Ye shall be crowned with much glory;
the hour is not yet but it is nigh at hand.

Ether 12:27
And if men come unto me I will show
unto them their weakness
I give unto men weakness that they may be humble
And my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves
before me, for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me then
will I make weak things become strong unto them.

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