Monday, May 31, 2010


Today I passed a bill board, I saw the Lottery was up to 260 million.

I thought If Christ were here would he gamble?

Then this came to mind,

The worlds way to Gamble is to buy a ticket, A great chance to win

Knowing you don’t have a chance but you put God to a test

So you Pray with all your heart.

As God hears your prayer I am sure he wipes a tear for you have got it all wrong

You see this is Satan’s plan and he has clouded your own eyes.

You See the Master has given Us a much better plan

But to find it you must read.

It is found in the Bible in 2 books I did take note

The Gamble is in Tithes and Offerings In this you will always win

But when you gamble on tithing you’ll find its not a sin

Because the Jackpot on the Lords tithing pays dividends.

If you don’t believe me just open the Bible and read

He gives us some council In Matthew 6:33

Then the Gamble is revealed, It’s found in the of Malachi 3:8-10

33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

8. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

9. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

10. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

11. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.

If Christ were here would he Gamble

The Lottery is 260 Million here in NC. I thought If Christ were here would he gamble? Then this came to mind,The worlds way to Gamble is to buy the chance knowing you will never win, Then Pray to win. GODS WAY TO GAMBLE IS PAY YOUR TITHES THEN PRAY TO WIN IN THE GAMBLE OF LIFE AND YOU WIN 100% OF THE TIME. Bible Ref (Malachi 3: 8-10 ) Matthew 6:33)

By D. Newburn

Sunday, May 30, 2010


There is an empty chair in church

Whose could it be?

It’s always there each Sunday sitting quietly.

That chair always seems more like a nuisance

Always getting in the way.

So in their minds the congregation did say

To remove the chair

Oh who would despair?

Does anyone care?

I just don’t know why it must stay

For what good is an empty chair when it is always in the way!!

If they only knew where that chairs been

It would be thought a sin, to remove that chair from its place

No matter how thick or thin

For it would only be a selfish effort just to save a little space

If they only knew who would fill it

If they could only see

For that is the place where Jesus sits

Observing quietly

I did not know he was holding that seat

Patiently he did wait

For me to wander down my winding course to learn from my mistakes

There is an empty chair in church

that chairs just for me

Jesus has reserved it and is waiting patiently.

If they only knew

How great their search would be

For that chair that sits vacant in The Lords house is waiting for you and me.

For When you draw close to the Lord

He will draw close to you

All he ask is a little time each day just a moment or two.

Jesus does not care about your talents for which you do possess

For he can give you more, his gifts are limitless

But you must use the ones you have and humbly share each day

The master sees the worldly cares and pride that stands in the way

For he knows the worldly things only waste our day.

So he has given us talents but for them you must pay

You find there is a cost attached you’ll see along the way

You must share your talents wisely or they will not stay

For when your talents are shared I know You will see his face

As you serve your neighbor you will find his loving grace

By doing this you will find the ones you love

Those waiting just for you

Perhaps you once made them a promise before you came here too

With this promise you must keep and search every day

You see we all once lived in heaven and full happiness we did seek.

When the two plans were presented our joy was at its peak

We stood together joyfully and chose the path we could not fake

To come to earth and gain a body and learn from our mistakes.

For you it has been given to hear of his word of our Lord.

For me when I come down here a stranger I would be.

So you must to share the gospel in the way you know I’ll see

You’ll know how to teach me as you pray silently

So please remember, The most important thing you can give is your time

For this the master cannot steal.

You have to give it with a willing heart and serve with might and zeal.

As I watch the way you live your life, I won’t be able to resist

For I can see the covenants that you have made for they are written on your face.

I will see the words that Jesus taught in every thought and deed

As you share the gospel I know I will see

That friend from not so long ago

Who made a promise to me.


D. Newburn

Lovest Thou Me

I share with you the lyrics to a song


Modern times has brought us many comforts

People live a life of wealth and luxury

But the master still ask this question

Lovest thou me, lovest thou me more than these

Lovest thou me more than these my child

What will your answer be?

Oh precious lord I love the lord more than all of these

More than fame, more than wealth, more than the world

While listening to this song I was inspired by its words.

One is of no use to the master when he is unwilling to heed the council of his leaders

Unless that man humbles himself and enlist himself to obey,

he will remain an unprofitable servant for the Lords hand.

By his rejecting inspired council, he has also rejected him that sent.

In so doing he has hindered the hand of the Lord to extend the full blessings he seeks.

Once this man has chosen this path he now must repent

First he must see the error of his ways then realize He has broken a sacred trust.

What was once given free now comes with a price.

He must now prove to the Lord by Thought, Action and Deed

To show the master that he is worthy to reclaim his place.

To speak words of honor comes smooth from the lips

It is quite another matter to live those words you speak.

Simon Peter lived this truth.

Through fear of man Peter denied knowing Christ 3 times.

This was done after Peter said: ”Lord, I am ready to go with thee both into prison and to Death.”

As a consequence of his denial

When the Savior had returned after his resurrection Peter was asked by Christ

3 times in a row,

Jesus saith Simon Peter son of Jonas Lovest thou Me more than these?

Peter answered Yeah Lord thou knowest I love thee

Christ responded Feed my Lambs

Jesus asked the 2nd time

Simon son of Jonas Lovest thou Me?

Peter answered Yeah Lord thou knowest I love thee

Christ responded Feed my sheep

The 3rd time Jesus said to Peter

Simon Son of Jonas Lovest thou Me?

This grieved Peter his memory was so fresh the Denial of his Lord and Master.

Peter responded Yea Lord thou Knowest that I love thee

Christ responded: Feed my sheep

Peter is then told that he would have to live up to his words

Because he would die in the same manner as Christ.

Peter sealed his promise to the lord with his blood.

Peter was hung just as Christ only he requested to be hung upside down

Because he did not feel worthy to die the same way as his Lord.

If we are to submit to the Master we must serve him

And to serve him we must give heed to his servants.

Keep the commandments; Keep the commandments In this there is safety and peace.

I hope we can all be like Simon Peter and realize the error of our ways, Seek the words of Christ live the rest of our days in the Service of the Master even the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

By D Newburn

Saturday, May 29, 2010


There is an empty chair in church

Whose could it be?

It’s always there each Sunday sitting quietly.

That chair always seems more like a nuisance

always getting in the way.

So in their minds did say

To remove the chair

Oh who would despair?

Does anyone care?

I don’t know why it must stay

For what good is an empty chair when it is always in the way!!

If they only knew where that chairs been

They would see It as a sin, to remove it from its place

In a selfish effort just to save a little space

If they only knew who would fill it

If only they could see

That is the place where Jesus sat

Observing quietly

I did not know he was holding that seat

Patiently he did wait

For me to wander down my winding course to learn from my mistakes

There is an empty chair in church

that chairs just for me

Jesus has reserved it and is waiting patiently.

If they only knew

How great their search would be

For that chair that sits vacant in The Lords house waiting for you and me.

For when you draw close to the Lord

He will draw close to you

And that is when you will find the one you love

Who has been waiting on only you

Of The sweet gospel they will partake

And for eternity you will always make

A friend the Lord would not forsake

But was waiting for only you.


D. Newburn

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Midnight is Late

Many times we set aside the things we ought to do for the things that we want to do. It is only after the final horn blows when we recall the unheeded council of Yester Year. It is in this we realize MIDNIGHT IS EVER SO LATE FOR THE ONES WHO HAVE PROCRASTINATED THE IMPORTANT THINGS
By D. Newburn

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Timely Answered Prayers

There is an LDS chruch song page140
Titled: Did you think to pray?

Er you left your room this morning, Did you think to pray in the name of Christ our Savior , Did you sue for loving favor as a shield today.
When your heart was filled with anger did you think to pray, Did you plead for grace my brother that you might forgive another who had crossed your way.
When sore trials come upon you did you think to pray, when your soul is filled with sorrow balm of gilead  did you borrow at the gates of day. Oh how praying rest the weary, prayer will change the night to day so when life gets dark and dreary dont forget to pray.

Often times when trials are upon us we forget to pray.
If we will rembember the Lord and draw near to him he will draw near to you.
Sometimes our prayers may take a while to receive an answer.
This could be a trial of your faith. Are we willing to do what it takes to be worthy of the blessing you are asking for.
Just remember He may not come when we want him to But he is never late.

By D Newburn

Effective Prayer

The Key element of effective prayer is faith, in this, prayer is the Instrument of miricles, for this reason Prayer keeps a man from Sin and inversely Sin keeps a man from prayer Matt 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
by D. Newburn

Monday, May 24, 2010

Power To Be Still

We all have a friend who only calls when they need something. The biggest compliment you can give someone is the gift of your time. God is no different. We must remember that Prayer is not a one way communication. When you do some intense praying we then need to in turn bo some intense listening. Then Be still and know that he is God Ps: 46:10. It is during this time of silence and stillness when ideas,thoughts &impressions which many times include feelings of calmness that give us the assurance that all will be well. Prayer is the Key to Spiritual Power that can only be unlocked if we loose ourself in selfless supplication at the feet of the Savior even Jesus Christ.
By D.Newburn

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Unrighteous Dominion

It is the nature of man as soon as he get a liittle authority he will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Power is never good except He that has it exercise it righteously. Those that cling to power at the expense of Principle often will stop at nothing no matter how evil or sinister the deed, to increase, maintain and perpetuate their power.
By D. Newburn

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brain washing

Brainwashing is when SOMEONE of Influential position admonishes his flock to avoid educating themselves on specific issues since it will only confuse them; Insted listen to what he has to say. Inversely,IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BRAINWASH AN OPEN MINDED Individual who is willing to study a problem out mentally then take the new found knowledge To God in humble Prayer asking for Divine Guidance In this you will find truth
By D.Newburn

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

World Peace

The Formula For World Peace, Keep the Commandments. War and Conflict are direct results of Wickedness. Peace is a product of Righteousness. Each person furthers world peace individually as he or she keeps the commandments of God and lives at peace with their family and neighbor. So To Actively Promote World Peace One must Love God and Serve his or her Neighbor.

From Teachings of Dallin H. Oaks

The Big Truck

I write this story so that my posterity can share in my testamony of the power of prayer.

I believe it was the year 2004 My wife Carly and I had decided after much tribulation to follow our spirits and move to where I served my mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The area I served in was the Idaho Pocatello Mission which Encompassed West Yellow Stone, Salmon Idaho, Idaho falls, Rexburg, Black foot , Pocatello, and the Burley area to give you a geographical location. We were relocating because I had just endured major business problems caused by poor local econmic climate that was combined with the events of the NY twin tower terrorism of Sept 11. All of these combined to cause out of work individuals to enter into the landscape and service business. This caused mass underbidding in the industry which led to everyone loosing large contracts to inexperienced business people who neither carried business insurance, busness licences or taxes. As a consequence I began to pray and decided to return to where I remembered being the happiest in my life. This happened to be when I was a missionary. So We  prayerfully set a goal and got our affairs in order and left Mobile Alabama headed across Missisppi taking the southern route to avoid the mountains because it was Christmas and we wanted to avoid the Ice and Snow. For the relocation we rented the largest 26 ft diesel  truck and pulled a 16 ft enclosed trailer. We were loaded down to the max. As we made our treck across Mississippi and entered into Lousianna I neglected to follow my rule and let the truck get below a half of a tank. Time passed and the truck began to run very low on fuel. It became a very serious moment and I decided to take the next exit I came upon. Well as fate would have it, I made the wrong decision and turned the Road train of a truck heading away from the gas station. When you are driving a rig that is approaching 50 ft in length you need a country mile to turn it around not a country road. So as we are traveling out into what looks like the boon docks We see a little church on the left hand side of the road with a large flat Majestic field with a convienient drive off of the road. I saw the opportunity to pull the truck across the field and enter the parking lot for which there was no curbing. I neglected to take into account the fact that we had just endured a week of heavy rains and Lousiannna is loaded with clay instead of sand. For those of you who have never experienced clay. When dry it is hard as cement but when it becomes saturated It is very sticky, very heavy and very soft. Well this field was made up of such a material covered with beautiful grass. As I pulled onto the field I quickly realized I was in trouble.
I immediately shifted the truck into a low gear and we were able to make it all the way across the field until we were about 15 ft from the safety of the parking lot when the truck and trailer sank about a foot into the clay. I jumped out of the truck and quickly realized I was in trouble when immediately 10 pounds of clay bonded to each of my shoes. I got a shovel to try to help my situation when my wife with panic in her voice asked. Dewayne what are we going to do? I answered " I dont know" I said just get into the cab and pray. No sooner had she offered up a prayer to the Lord and finished and opened her eyes a young man pulled up into the parking lot with a Brand new heavy duty Dodge Dualy wheel  Deisel truck with a huge chain in the back. He offered to help us with a smile.
We hooked the chain to the big truck and I put it in gear and with the help of my new friend we pulled our load to the center of the parking lot. I immediately hugged him and thanked him. And when we were back into the truck we offered a prayer thanking the Lord for his tender mercies on us that day.

What is Hell and How to Avoid it In this life and Eternity

Hell is the knowledge of knowing what you could have had
had you only done what you knew was right.
For a man can only be judged upon the things that he learns,
but can never choose not to choose for in this he has made a choice.
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other,
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.”

Man must be anxiously engaged in a good cause for An Idol mind is the Devils workshop.
Fill your mind with the things of God and your actions will follow.
For no action is ever executed unless it is preceeded by a thought.
thoughts become words and words become actions.
Let our Faith lead to good works all the day of our lives
Endure to the End of life filling your time with service to God
And in doing you will naturally find yourself in the service of  your fellow man
"For when ye are in the service of your fellow man
Ye are only in the service of your God"

Thoughs combined by

The Little Indian Boy And The Rattle Snake

One day a  little boy was walking down a path high in the mountains when he came across a rattlesnake. The rattlesnake was very cold. and asked, "Please little boy, I am so cold can you pleas pick me up and take me to the bottom of the mountain? If I stay here I will surly freeze and die." The little boy answered "No Mr. Rattlesnake I know who you are. If I pick you up, you'll bite me and I'll die." The rattlesnake said, "No, I promise for you will be different to me. If you do this you will save my life and will forever be my friend. and if you are my friend then you know I would never bite a friend. Just please take me down the mountain so I might live." The little boy thought about it because the snake was very nice and persuasive. Finally after much aprehension the little indian boy picked up that rattlesnake and took it close to his chest and carried it down  to the bottom of the mountain.

They sat there and warmed themselves together in the sun.  Then after the sunset the rattlesnake turned to the little boy and asked, "Can you take me to your home now? I am very tired and hungry. " The little Indian boy felt compassion for the snake and again took it to his chest and held it tightly and safely. He came all the way down the mountain holding the snake carefully and took it to his home to give him some food and a place to sleep. The next day the rattlesnake turned to the boy and asked, "Please little boy, will you take me back to my home now? I need to go and check on my family and it is far to cold for me to make the journey alone so will you please take me to my home now." The little boy felt he had been safe all this time and the snake had kept his word, so he agreed to take the snake home as he asked.

He carefully picked up the snake, took it close to his chest, and carried him back to the woods, to his home. Just as the little boy began to lay the rattlesnake down, the rattlesnake turned and bit him in the chest. The little boy cried out and threw the snake upon the ground. "Mr. Snake, why did you do that? You said I was different, You said I was your friend,  Now I will surely die!" The rattlesnake looked up at him and grinned, and said as he slithered into his home, "You knew what I was when you picked me up."

So many times in life we falsely believe that we can flirt with sin and come out a victor it is only after we have been caught in the snares of addiction or in the consequences of sin do we truly realize the magnitude of the consequences of our error. We know what those things are when we pick them up, But we allow the fleeting gratification found in sin to mask our senses just once then twice until we lower our guard for that final time where in we are bitten by the serpant to which the only remedy is found in the Venom its self. This is known as Anti Venom is derived from the venom its self. Such is life the only way to over come the venom of sin is to pertake of the Anti venom which is the saving attonement of Jesus Christ. For Christ Drank out of that bitter cup so that we might over come Sin and Death. May we strive to avoid sin in our every day life so that we can grow in perfection and avoid the sadest words of tongue or pen which are the final words of wonder which is What Might Have Been.
Story Unknow origin Revision and conclusion by
D. Newburn

The Little Duck

Once upon a time there was a little duck who loved to go to church
Every time the church doors was open that little duck made sure he was there
he was always there first greeting all the little duck as they came into the church.
but one day the little duck had stayed out way too late Saturday night dancing and playing with his friends so he did not wake up on Sunday as he normally did.
When he finally woke up, he realized he was way late for church.
The little duck got dressed as fast as he could and ran out the door.
That little duck was so worried about being late he started running as fast as he could when all of a sudden the wind got beneath his wings and he began to fly.
so he started flapping his wings and flew to church.
When he got to church he was supprised that he arrived with time to spare.
So the little duck greeted all the little ducks as they came into church.
And when they all got inside the little duck could not contain his excitement.
He taught all the little ducks how to fly in church.
So all the little ducks was flying all around the church,
But as soon as church was over
All the little ducks walked home

How often is it that we learn all that we need to do in our daily lives at church.
And if we would just follow the things we learn at chruch our life would be so much easier but as soon as we leave church we forget everything that we learn and do not apply them in our every day lives.
Let us be wise and study ponder and apply the principles in of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Study his life and get to know the Mortal Messiah who came and decended to the Lowest so that we may assend to the Highest as he has done by over coming this world that we may live again.
May we remember that we have wings and apply these things in our lives.

Little duck story Author unknown
Conclusion by D. Newburn

True Power

The true power found in Patience is learning to hide your impatiece. A patient man seeks to understand others faults, and accepts them for who they can become not who they are at their last visible moment of weakness
by D. Newburn

The Gift of Patience

The Gift of Patience is more often learned through developing the ability to hide your impatience when others would scream. The patient man understands others faults by virtue of overcoming his own, and thus allows each the opportunity to learn and grow from their own mistakes while passively offering wisdom and praying for the success of the weaker man.

By D. Newburn

A Tree that Despises is Roots

A tree that despises its roots may achieve great heights in the eyes of the world, but ultimately all will be revealed when the winds of life blow upon that tree. Once Knocked down, the only hope it has now, is in the unsevered roots to render new shoots from that beat up stump, never to obtain its former glory. Its only true hope now will be found in the seed it produced along the way.

By D.Newburn

True Happiness

There is no lasting happiness in the "FUN AWESOME THINGS OF LIFE", what was once longed for is all too quickly passed leaving only a fleeting memory (Bible) ( St. Matt 6:19-21) But rather follow this council (Bible) (St Matt 6:33).
by D. Newburn

Mans Roots

Mans roots become the foundation upon which life is built. Each experience becomes a brick each trial is a bolder to be chipped away to form Corner, key and Capstones. You control the mortar for it is the Word of God. Your spotty mortar work is revealed as the weight of life bears down. Only After the man submits to the father and humbles himself and accepts the true gospel of Jesus Christ through the waters of Baptism will he have the new vision of how to build the masterpiece out of the crumbling structure he once had. For those who have found the truth and have fallen away for a season. You must start at this moment to Prayerfully correct your course by ever so small movements. .You did not reach the position to where you stand by one fail swoop. So it is with life you must reset your compass and point it toward your final destination and make the necessary course corrections one by one never loosing sight of your final goal. Perfection is not achieved overnight our only hope at achieving total perfection is to become perfect in one principle at a time.Example set a goal that you will become perfect in praying morning noon and night. Once you notice this has become the fabric of your life to which you do automatically choose the next goal like scripture study each day. Once this has become a habit. Attend church every Sunday. Once this is a habit Pay your tiths to the Lord. Once you have mastered this then fast once a month giving up food and drink for a 24 hour period with a prayer and a purpose of something that you or another needs in life and take the money you would have spent on the three meals and give it to the church for the care of the needy. As you can see we perfect our life one step at a time, For the Lord does not expect us to run faster than we have strength. The race is not won by fast starters but rather steady finishers for the road is long and the path is narrow and it can only be concured by those who are true to themselves and never give up.
by D.Newburn