As we go through life our parents give us our lifes foundation. In the beginnings of life we are submissive meek humble as a little child therefore we are teachable and we choose to work on building our house of faith on the foundation we have been given. But as the trials of life come we decided to hault the work on the house and start building a wall round about.
This wall is comprised of many different shapes and sizes of stones each stone represents a sin we have been exposed to and embrased instead of repenting. These sins become our favorite because we retreat behind them when the world seems to be against us. The most common sins of commission are; Alcohol, immorality, Pornography, Illicit drugs, Dishonesty, selfishness only to name a few. Others are sins of omission like lack of forgiveness, not attending church, failure to read the scriptures. inspite of this wall we have built in front of us, we cry out to the Lord. He hears us and is desprately wanting us to recieve his message from heaven, But instead of penetrating our hearts the messages hit the stoney brick wall. In order to hear what the Lord has in store for us, we must forsake the brick wall and begin to take it down stone by stone. Repenting for each one individually. Slowly as each stone is removed you will begin to feel the safety and security that comes from faith in him that is mighty to save.
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