There is an old saying that states "Only a fool takes offence when offence IS NOT intended. But on the other hand, Only a fool takes offence when offence IS Intended". I have noticed in my life, when someone offends me many times it is because I missinterpreted their intentions.
Sure there are evil people with evil intentions to find evidence of this all you have to do is turn on the news. But for the most part the people close to us have good intentions. The next time you are offended In that moment of offence clarify the intentions of the offending party and most often than not you will realize you missunderstood. Has someone offended you in the past? And you just cant let it go. If so you are paying a high price. I had some issues that were out of my control one time and a friend shared some advices given by her grandmother. Her grandmother shared some steps with her. 1st get and envelope or a shoe box. 2nd Mark it things I give to God. 3rd Write down all of your burdens that are overwhelming. 4th write down people you cant forgive. 5th say a prayer and share your problems with the Lord 6th Forget about them and Let it Go. Upon returning to her box at a later date she was supprised looking back how each problem was resolved in one way or another. I personally did this with things I could not let go. After we moved I was unpacking and realized I had just packed and carried all of those problems with me to my new home some 3000 miles. So true to life. In that moment of clarity I burned the box. There is a saying on a ride at Disney world that states." You can't run from trouble, because there is no place that far". I look at each problem or sin as a brick in my back pack, life is a journey, if I want my journey to be easier, I must lighten the load by unloading some bricks. As I unload the bricks with a prayer I give each of them to the Lord. In doing so my soul has become stronger and my burdens have been lighter. I know that In so doing as we all leave this life you will find the Master has taken those mortal bricks of burden that you gave to him and included them in your mansion he has prepared for you on high
By D Newburn
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