Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Could you imagine moving away from your parents to a far distant land

Could you imagine moving away from your parents to a far distant land One day you receive a package full or letters, But you decide the package is way too beautiful to open so you place it on your night stand never to discover the content inside. Our experience in life is much this way. We have come to thi...s Earth and left our Heavenly home. We have a package of letters words and admonitions from our Father at back at home. This collection of letters are in the words of the scriptures. There is never a problem that you face here on earth in life that the solution does not exist or the answer cannot be found in the scriptures. The Scriptures are like letters from home telling us how we can draw near to our Father In Heaven. He tells us to come as we are no one is denied he loves us all. But it is we who have to read his words in order to discover his will and realize what he has in store if we will only obey

Cant Buy Peace

There is no amount of money that can buy the sweet peace that forgiveness brings

Bitterness and Hate

For some reason bitterness and Hate are on my mind this morning. These two words have bondage intertwined in them. Hate and bitterness are all consuming emotions. They are like an unbreakable spider web if you continue to move forward harboring these emotions. As you continue to move forward in this web become more and more entangled in the consequences of your actions. On the other hand. Forgiveness requires you to take a step back and evaluate what you have ran into. In order to move forward with forgiveness you must first knock down the web of bitterness and hate. If you feel yourself trapped in these emotions I am writing this post for you. Please step back and say a little prayer and read the following true story and watch the posted True video clip on this post. These things I share today will set you free and give you the ability to start a new. Once I complained about my feet hurting till I saw a man without any feet. Once I complained about having to wear glasses until my father went blind. Somtimes gaining a new perspective is all we need. The Story will be on the next comment.In the beautiful hills of Pennsylvania, a devout group of Christian people live a simple life without automobiles, electricity, or modern machinery. They work hard and live quiet, peaceful lives separate from the world. Most of their food c...omes from their own farms. The women sew and knit and weave their clothing, which is modest and plain. They are known as the Amish people.

A 32-year-old milk truck driver lived with his family in their Nickel Mines community. He was not Amish, but his pickup route took him to many Amish dairy farms, where he became known as the quiet milkman. Last October he suddenly lost all reason and control. In his tormented mind he blamed God for the death of his first child and some unsubstantiated memories. He stormed into the Amish school without any provocation, released the boys and adults, and tied up the 10 girls. He shot the girls, killing five and wounding five. Then he took his own life.

This shocking violence caused great anguish among the Amish but no anger. There was hurt but no hate. Their forgiveness was immediate. Collectively they began to reach out to the milkman’s suffering family. As the milkman’s family gathered in his home the day after the shootings, an Amish neighbor came over, wrapped his arms around the father of the dead gunman, and said, “We will forgive you.”1 Amish leaders visited the milkman’s wife and children to extend their sympathy, their forgiveness, their help, and their love. About half of the mourners at the milkman’s funeral were Amish. In turn, the Amish invited the milkman’s family to attend the funeral services of the girls who had been killed. A remarkable peace settled on the Amish as their faith sustained them during this crisis.

One local resident very eloquently summed up the aftermath of this tragedy when he said, “We were all speaking the same language, and not just English, but a language of caring, a language of community, [and] a language of service. And, yes, a language of forgiveness.”2 It was an amazing outpouring of their complete faith in the Lord’s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”3

The family of the milkman who killed the five girls released the following statement to the public:

“To our Amish friends, neighbors, and local community:

“Our family wants each of you to know that we are overwhelmed by the forgiveness, grace, and mercy that you’ve extended to us. Your love for our family has helped to provide the healing we so desperately need. The prayers, flowers, cards, and gifts you’ve given have touched our hearts in a way no words can describe. Your compassion has reached beyond our family, beyond our community, and is changing our world, and for this we sincerely thank you.

“Please know that our hearts have been broken by all that has happened. We are filled with sorrow for all of our Amish neighbors whom we have loved and continue to love. We know that there are many hard days ahead for all the families who lost loved ones, and so we will continue to put our hope and trust in the God of all comfort, as we all seek to rebuild our lives.”4

How could the whole Amish group manifest such an expression of forgiveness? It was because of their faith in God and trust in His word, which is part of their inner beings. They see themselves as disciples of Christ and want to follow His example.

Hearing of this tragedy, many people sent money to the Amish to pay for the health care of the five surviving girls and for the burial expenses of the five who were killed. As a further demonstration of their discipleship, the Amish decided to share some of the money with the widow of the milkman and her three children because they too were victims of this terrible tragedy.

Excerpts from The Healing Power of Forgiveness by James E. Faust

One day a man said

One day a man said You know the commandments were written a long time ago. We are so modern now, Shouldn't they be revised or rewritten. Someone thoughtfully replied. NO They should be REREAD. The commandments of God are like a Beacon set high on the "Mountain of the Lord"l. To all that will set their course toward that steadfast beacon shall never find himself lost at sea.

I read the headlines today Aug 14,2010

Matthew ch 24 and 25 are on my mind.

There is a little song about the wise man and the foolish man.

The wise man built his house upon the rock

And the rain came tumbling down

And the floods came up

...And the wise man's house stood still.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand

And the rains came tumbling down

And the floods came up

And the foolish man's house washed away

So, build your house on the rock of Jesus Christ

And when the rains come down and the floods come up

Your blessings will come down

As your prayers go up

And your house on the Rock will stand Still.

Life was meant to be a challenge

For if we never experience the bitter how could we appreciate the sweet.

The Lord is Never Late

Today I am trying to keep in mind and remember. Gods blessings may not come when you want them to.


A wise father was once speaking to his son

A wise father was once speaking to his son He placed his hand on his sons shoulder. He said Son if you ever find yourself in a place you shouldn’t be, GET OUT!! A parents deepest hope is they have taught their children skills to avoid or remove themselves from danger. There is danger and spiritual danger. As adults We have not out grown this wisdom. The evil one is ever so patient. He does not care if he gets you at 10 or 110 just as long as he gets you. If recognize something is not good or just does not feel right GET OUT!!!

Genesis 39:11-12


How you say?????

Set aside a good sturdy large glass pickle jar after you have ran it and the lid through the dish washer of course

we have a cool VLASIC FARMS 60 OZ JAR

Make sure you have the following items

1can of evaporated milk

...1can of sweet condensed milk

Powdered milk

teaspoon of Vanilla flavoring

2 egg yolks

Get out your wisk

You want to take all the items and combine them in a bowl

add like 1/4 gallon of milk to the mix and wisk

with a spoon taste the mix and if it taste too strong add a little more milk

wisk in the new milk

taste and pour it into the pickle jar

Place it in the freezer for a few hours

come back and it will be frozen to the walls of the jar if it is not solid

take a spoon and stir it all together pulling the frozen from the side

You will have an ice cream shake

if it is rock solid

let it sit out for a while and get a spoon and carve around in it and put it into a bowl and stir to make soft and it is as good as soft serve.

So now you can eat icecream when you are dead broke if you store a few items on your pantry shelf

They Cant Eat Us

I have often said to Carly in time of struggle and regarding the ever mounting stack of bills.‎"Well they can take everything we have got; BUT THEY CANT EAT US"

In times of hurt and discouragement, it may be consoling to remember there is nothing anyone can do to us that will be permanently lasting for Eternity. Only we ourselves can... affect that outcome. The outcome of your Life’s problems hinge on how you react to them. There is Nothing important that can not be conquered with Prayer ,Faith and divinely led Action

The Lords tender mercies are real and they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence

The Lords tender mercies are real and they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence
Often the timing of his tender mercies helps us both discern and acknowledge them. They are very personal and individualized blessings, strength and protection, assurances, guidance, loving kindness, consolidation, support and spiritual gif...ts which we receive from and through Christ. Truly the lord suits his tender mercies according to the conditions of our heart at the time we receive it. So what is a tender mercy? First one that comes to mind is the gift of Faith . Second is appropriate confidence beyond your own capacity as you face challenges through knowing you are not alone. Third is the peace of conscience after repentance. Fourth is the ability to have persistence and Fortitude that hold you up and enable you to face the physical limitations of body and spiritual difficulties of life. Fifth is possessing the ability to face each new trial with cheerfulness. What I mean by this is You know you have reached a new plateau when you can laugh at your trial that you are facing and then begin to cry because you realize this is what the Lord intended. When we can laugh at our trials and cry because we see his hand in this you will find true inner peace.

Integrity means always doing what is right and good, regardless of the immediate consequences.

Integrity means always doing what is right and good, regardless of the immediate consequences.
It means being righteous form the very depth of our soul, not only in our actions but more importantly, in thoughts and in our heartfelt desires. For every action is preceded by a thought first. If you are to control your actions you must l...earn to control your thoughts. The best sermon that is ever seen is that of a man or woman living their life with honest and pure integrity. For what good is knowledge if we do not apply it in our life. There is no substitute. To truly know it is to truly Live it.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are not only for the learned man.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are not only for the learned man. If this were so how few of us would have any use for it. The search and discovery of truth should be the goal of every Christian. However it is not necessary to nail down every philisophical intellectual avenue. If this is your goal you are missing a treasure of beautiful experiences and truths t...hat can not be accessed by the mind alone. In order to discover the true treasure you must be willing to take the knowledge you have found and seek the spirit of God. To do this you must pray to have a witness of its truth by the spirit of truth which is the Holy Ghost. You can spend an eternity full of time trying to figure out the infinate with a finite mind. instead follow Elijah's council found in 1 Kings 18:21 "how long Hault ye between two Opinions? If the Lord Be God Follow Him." Christ does not ask us to become perfect in our knowledge of him. He simply leads by example and a statement of come follow me and I wll give you rest.

One cannot be merciful to others without receiving a harvest of mercy in return

One cannot be merciful to others without receiving a harvest of mercy in return The nearer we get to God and try to follow the things we know are right the more disposed we are to look upon others with a clearer view of compassion instead of criticism. You know you have arrived at that point in life when In a moment, you truly feel a desire to take upon yourself another’s burden, if only for a moment with no thought of compensation.

I found 3 keys to hidden treasure

Key one, learn from the past.

Each of us has a heritage, this heritage provides a foundation built of sacrifice and faith learn the heritage of your family and country.

Key two, prepare for the future.

Without a goal, there can be no real su...ccess. One of the best definitions of success I have ever heard goes something like this: Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Someone has said the trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never crossing the goal line. Years ago there was a romantic and fanciful ballad that contained the words, "Wishing will make it so / Just keep on wishing / And care will go." I want to state here and now that wishing will not replace thorough preparation to meet the trials of life. Preparation is hard work but absolutely essential for our progress. Our journey into the future will not be a smooth highway which stretches from here to eternity. Rather, there will be forks and turnings in the road, to say nothing of the unanticipated bumps. We must pray daily to a loving Heavenly Father, who wants each of us to succeed in life. Again Prepare for the future.

Key three, live in the present.

Sometimes we let our thoughts of tomorrow take up too much of today. Daydreaming of the past and longing for the future may provide comfort but will not take the place of living in the present. This is the day of our opportunity, and we must grasp it. "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays." There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today.

A man wrote just after the passing of his wife, I opened her dresser drawer and found there an item of clothing she had purchased when we visited the eastern part of the United States nine years earlier. She had not worn it but was saving it for a special occasion. Now, of course, that occasion would never come. In relating this experience to a friend, the husband said, "Don't save something only for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion."That friend later said those words changed her life. They helped her to cease putting off the things most important to her. Said she: "Now I spend more time with my family. I use crystal glasses every day. I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket if I feel like it. The words 'someday' and 'one day' are fading from my vocabulary. Now I take the time to call my relatives and closest friends. I've called old friends to make peace over past quarrels. I tell my family members how much I love them. I try not to delay or postpone anything that could bring laughter and joy into our lives. And each morning, I say to myself that this could be a special day. Each day, each hour, each minute, is special."

Arthur Gordon many years ago in a national magazine wrote:

"When I was around thirteen and my brother ten, Father had promised to take us to the circus. But at lunchtime there was a phone call; some urgent business required his attention downtown. We braced ourselves for disappointment. Then we heard him say [into the phone], 'No, I won't be down. It'll have to wait.' "When he came back to the table, Mother smiled. 'The circus keeps coming back, you know,' [she said]." 'I know,' said Father. 'But childhood doesn’t.'

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today" "The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."

A poet set to verse the sorrow of opportunities forever lost. I quote a portion:

Around the corner I have a friend,

In this great city that has no end;

Yet days go by, and weeks rush on,

And before I know it, a year is gone,

And I never see my old friend’s face,

For Life is a swift and terrible race. . . .

But to-morrow comes—and to-morrow goes,

And the distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner!—yet miles away

"Here's a telegram, sir,"

"Jim died to-day."

And that's what we get, and deserve in the end:

Around the corner, a vanished friend

One day each of us will run out of tomorrows

Do not put off what is important Live in the present.

Excerpts Thomas S. Monson “in search of Treasure”

Do you know how to recognize a true friend?

Do you know how to recognize a true friend? A real friend loves us for who we are and protects us. In recognizing a true friend we must look for some important elements in that friendship. A true friend makes it easier for us to live the standards we want to keep by being around them.... A true friend love you for who you are now and what you can become, and desires to help you get there; through encouragement and love. Put simply a true friend does not make us choose between his way and the Lords way. Christ looks upon what we can become if we will only follow his example and do what is right. Look closely at your friends. Cultivate good friends. They’re so valuable. Good friends Love you. And Love is a "VERB" It requires doing, not just saying and thinking. The test is in what one does, how one acts, for love is conveyed in word and solidified in deed.

It is not so much the Major events in life

Everyday moments are the molecules that make up eternity! "It is not so much the major events in life, as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decision...s" "We learn to cope with the people of this world because we learn to cope with the members of our family. Those who flee the family, flee the world; bereft of the [family's] affection, tutelage, and challenges, they are unprepared for the [world's] tests, judgments, and demands" (The Moral Sense [1993], 163). How ironic is it when that some go "into a far country" (Luke 15:13), leaving the nourishing family garden--in which there may be some weeds--and go into a desert with its tumbling sagebrush.

The Tussle of Life

Moms and Dads In the tussle of life seem to live in the moment.Your school project is due when!!!! ??? !!!, Son where have you been? you know it’s time to go. Sally where are your shoes. John go clean your face. Now where are my keys?! I know I put them some place. Does the car have enough gas? Well ho...w far can we go. John will you put up that truck I just stumped my toe. Sally, brush your hair. John go clean your teeth. You kids are driving me crazy!!! Why can’t you just be neat. Now where are we heading, We’ve got to go, You know were going to be late. Dear is it pay day yet there is so much we have to buy. Hurry let’s get in the car, for sure I’ve got to speed. Hi officer. He’s late for his game. Im sorry I will slow down. Boy Im glad the John is a teen so he can carry his self to the game, now there is so much he can do. It sure does lighten my load. He does not know how much he helps when he drives Sally too. What time is their game? Honey come, the kids left an hour ago. I cant believe John is graduating today. It has been a blast but the time has flown fast. I hope he gets that scholarship. Because that tuition is sure to take chunk and our savings just wont last. Sally has a new boyfriend now, he just seems so nice. I just hope she listens to me when I give her my advice. Wow I cant believe the kids are grown they have moved so far away. I wish they would call now and then. Sometimes I wish they would come and stay. The house is so quiet now. And our car is always full. Our insurance is so low now. All those tickets have fallen off. Boy the house is so quiet. It always seems to stays clean. I have not tripped over a toy in a while. Every things in its place. Wow, I just passed the mirror and the reflection caught me off guard; I almost did not recognize that face. That reflection in the mirror it sure caught me by surprise. I see now that time doesn’t stop for anyone, I cant believe how time did fly. Honey John and Sally just called today. They say their planning a trip. I cant wait till the grand kids get here, I hope their drive is safe. You know It has been 3 years now since I have seen their face. You see when you get older and your hair turns white and gray. You never think about that fancy car you always wanted for it is out of style now anyway. The fancy cloths you once adored you saw at goodwill today. Boy have times changed the style in a most peculiar way. I drove by that huge house I always longed to have. Somehow it seemed different; the house had lost its glow. I realized now it was just nails and boards without a guarantee. For I have learned love grows best in little houses where there is little space. You see our love survived and grew in our little place. Today those pricey things do not matter now, there is just one worry that I have each day. I wonder How have my kids have turned out and do they remember to pray. Do they remember the lessons I taught in this little place. Now that they have moved on and bought their own place. You see I don’t think about the trips we did not take. I am not worried about the pearls my husband could not afford. I do not think about the trip to Italy. Because they are far better than the dream. That crystal blue Italian lake has now lost its appeal. My grand kids are now my only dream. They have become my piece of foreign sky. For In my eyes I still see the picture of that little child God entrusted to me. I see now more clearly since I am out of the race, Family is all that matters now that I am old and gray. I just hope I taught them well while I was trying to keep pace. For I worry about some of the decisions I made while I was in the race. I’m glad you came to visit this week I always love to see your face. You look a little stressed my son, how are things at your new place. Now Sally when is your little one due you will forget about the pain. In the end even though you can not now see . In the end that little one you now hold next to you, Soon will become your new best friend as you finish your race. So just remember to stop and give thanks for each and every day. Take time to enjoy and cherish that little growing face. For before you know it they will be grown and you’ll be waiting for that visit too, from your new best friend who has became a part of you “My parents had 8 children. My dad told me recently he never knew he was raising his best friends.”
By D Newburn

In life we are constantly tried and tested

In this life we are contstantly tried and tested to see if we will keep all the commandments of God. But all the trials of this life, are here to make us stronger not to pull us under and defeat us.This reminds me of a story . One night a man had a dream--

he said , I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord

and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.

For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints,

one belonged to me ...and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of my life flashed before me,

I looked back at the footprints in the sand.

I noticed that many times along the path of my life,

there was only one set of footprints.

I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest

and saddest times in my life.

This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,

you would walk with me all the way,

but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life

there is only one set of footprints.

"I don't understand why in the times when I needed you most,

you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you

during your times of trial and suffering.

"When you saw only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."

and in each experience as you walk through life remember this, "All these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good, Thine afflictions shall be but a small moment and then if thou endure it well God shall exalt thee on high"

I have only Just one Minute

When I was in grade school I learned a poem it was titled, ‎"I have only Just One Minute” “I have only just one minute, only 60 seconds in it, forced upon me, can’t refuse it, didn’t seek it Didn’t choose it , but it is up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it, give account if I abuse it, just a tiny little minute but eternity is in it.” This life is your time. What will you do with it? Are you where you want to be with your life? If not. What are you going to do about it?

Pray for abilities equal to your task

Do not pray for task equal to your abilities, But pray for abilites equal to your task. Then the performance of your task will be no miracle, But YOU will be the miracle (Gordon B. Hinckley) One day a lady wrote a letter to a dear church leader
Sometimes I wonder if I make a difference in my children’s lives. Especially as a single mother working two jobs to make ends meet, I sometimes come home to confusion, but I never give up hope.” Her letter continues as she describes how she... and her children were listening in church, where you were speaking about prayer. Her son made the comment, “Mother, you’ve already taught us that.” She asked, “What do you mean?” Her son replied, “Well, you’ve taught us to pray and showed us how, but the other night I came to your room to ask something and found you on your knees praying to Heavenly Father. If He’s important to you, he is important to me.” The letter concluded, “I guess you never know what kind of influence you’ll be until a child observes you doing yourself what you have tried to teach him to do.” (end of story) In life So often as we become educated and grow older we loose faith in God and subsequently forget to pray, because we have slowly begin to take upon us the stain of the world and have began to lean on our own wisdom. The following has been said about this matter. “O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

“But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God

Strengthening families is our sacred duty as parents,

Strengthening families is our sacred duty as parents, children, extended family members, leaders, teachers, but it must start with us as individuals.The greatest help we have in strengthening our family is to know and follow Christ and rely on Him to help us. And continue to petition the Lord for guidance in daily prayer. Christ has suffered everything we could possibly imagine. He know...s how we feel. He understands. He will help. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.” “Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love.” Gordon B. Hinckley said, “It is imperative that you not neglect your families. Nothing you have is more precious. . . . When all is said and done, it is this family relationship which we will take with us into the life beyond.” Remember the great love of our Savior. He said in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee.” Then in verse 13 He says again, “I will help thee.” And once more in verse 14 He says, “I will help thee.”Believe the Savior. He will help us. He loves us. He wants us to be happy. But we must open the door he can only knock. It is you who hold the key to your heart and the handle to the door.

Excerpt from Julie B. Beck “Stand Strong and Immovable”

Formula for Success in life

Formula For Success in Life, Be where you ought to be not where you want to be. Be what you ought to be not what you want to be. Say what you ought to say not what you thought to say.
And do what you ought to do and not what you want to do.

In life blessings come when we exercise our faith and do the things

We ought to do, instead of the things our carnal desires pull us to do.

Blessings come to us when we stand in Holy Pla...ces, Bridle (or Control)

our passions and desires. Only in this is true Happiness Found. When you

Learn to control this tremendous mechanism called your mind, in thought

Word and deed, you will discover freedom and happiness therein.

And happiness is the object and design of our existence by the one who

gave you life. And True and Lasting Happiness will be the end thereof if we would but pursue

the path that leads to it; and this path to which I speak is Virtue, Uprightness,

Faithfullness, Holiness, and keeping all of the commandments of God.

Freedom is found in Self Discipline

When we begin to desire and resolve to the need for discipline in our personal lives therein Freedom is found. We can look around the world and take license to do anything our heart desires. But in taking a license we are immediately subjected to the terms, consequences, conditions and bondage our choices
have hidden and contained therein. In life regardless of financial or social standing, Discipline is a prerequisite the removal of the chains of bondage that leads to personal freedom. If we could but catch the vision of Self discipline we ...would find the old adage true. An ounce of Prevention is far better than 10 tons of cure. Put simply the things with which we do not begin we will never have to stop. But if we find our self bound by the license to habits that we so freely took, Self discipline is the only key to the chains and fetters that hold us bound. Self discipline leads to good habits, and good habits are developed through and self restraint in the workshops of our daily lives. It is not in the great moments of test and trial that character is built. In the heat of battle character is merely displayed. So Remember the fetters of bad habits and mistakes coupled with the persons misconduct, overwhelmingly regulates and dominates the life of which is bound. As he or she falls victim to the consequences of their errors. We must remember It is never too late to change, to make things right, to leave old activities and habits behind. Out of tribulation brings humility and a willingness to submit to whatever things the Lord your God would have you endure. Take an inventory of your habits today. Your habits dictate and direct your life they become the fabric of your character, because you see character is found and fashioned in the seemingly often uneventful common place of the routine chores of life .

What is Charity in its True Sense

What is Charity in it s True sense? chairty is the pure love of Chirst which helps us to gain a devine attribute as we grow to know and Love God we naturally gain a pure love for our fellow man. In this God accomplishes his purposes Heart To Heart.

One day there was an older man whom was at the bedside of his dying wife.

One day there was an older man whom was at the bedside of his dying wife. A dear friend visited him and asked how he was doing. The man responded, "Not good, I am learning things I never wanted to learn" After the passing of his wife the man was asked to address his church and tell of his experience. This is what he said.The man explained during the time at the hospital he was doing a lot of soul searching.

As he sat pondering the days ahead he found this poem that brought him immediate

Comfort and helped him to see his wife’s passing through the eyes of God....

I asked God to take away my pride

And God said “No.”

He said It was not for him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to make my suffering child whole and God said, “No.”

He said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience and God said, ” No.”

He said that patience is a byproduct of tribulation,

It isn’t granted it is Earned.

I asked God to give me happiness and God said “No.”

He said he gives me blessings and Happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain, and God said “No.”

He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares.

And brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow and God said “No.”

He said I must grow on my own, but he will prune me to make

Me fruitful.

I asked God if he loved me and God said “Yes.”

He gave me His only Beloved Son who died for me and I will

Be in Heaven someday because I believe.

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me.

And God said: “Ah my son, finally you have caught the vision of life.”

Have you ever noticed how much more you prize something you have worked

Have you ever noticed how much more you prize something you have worked and sacrificed for against something that was just given to you? If it were up to me I would rather have my life flow smoothly featuring a unbroken chain of green lights and empty parking spaces in front of my favorite destinations
with scuba diving and ice-cream every morning and Mexican food for lunch and a seafood boil on a beach paradise every night as I retire to my bungalow that resides over the water of a crystal blue lagoon. Ohhh sorry I just woke up. In reali...ty, True victories in life come through our ability to work around and climb over the obstacles that lie across and encumber our path. We grow stronger as we climb our own mountain verses coasting down the slopes of those who have gone before us. One of the blessings as we walk though the rough road of life comes in the form of friends. I have often sung a song to my children from Disney’s The Jungle book. Due to my lack of talent in that area, I am sure my rendition would not hit the top 40. Never the less , The song is “That’s What Friends Are For”. Some of the lyrics are, When you’re alone, who comes around, To pluck you up, When you are down. And when you’re on the outside looking in, who’s there to open the door that’s what friends are for. So you can see we’re friends in need and friends in need, are friends in deed, We’ll keep you safe in the jungle for ever more. That’s what friends are for

Have you noticed that you just can't get enough of what you do not need?

Have you noticed that you just can't get enough of what you do not need? And it is not possible to purchase happiness at a store on the internet or in a catalog. What we need most in life are the things money simply cannot buy. A man by the name of Harold B. Lee told a childhood story of the Great Depression
One day he spoke of the depression, he spoke of his mother as a skilled homemaker and his father as a farmer and person of many odd jobs to make ends meet. He made the statement. “WE HAD EVERTHING MONEY COULD NOT BUY." One of our most qualities is Love. As you look at your family origin no matter how "un" perfect it may be, do not despair. You can set in motion a new pattern of behavior in your house and family that will send a rippling effect and mold the lives of your children, grand children which has the potential to carry on throughout the generations to come. Gordon B. Hinckley stated. When I got married I was very anxious about the economic realities of my marriage. His totaled his assets and realized he had less than $150. Even more alarming, he only made 185.00 a month. In talking to his wife Majorie about his worries she put his fears to rest. She replied. Well I had only hoped for a husband, and now I found out I am getting $150 too!! This will work wonderfully she told him. If you've got $150 dollars we’re set. As we ponder our lives the majority of life’s problems will fade away depending on how we react to them. When you find the things in life that really matter most the other things fade in their level of importance. Money cannot buy True Love, Eternal Health, or Lasting Happiness. Basically money is a Universal passport to everywhere but Heaven.

Walking through heck to get to heaven

Have you ever noticed sometimes it feels like you have to walk through heck to get to heaven. I have noticed in my life when it seem like heavy trials are upon me I have often said; Something good is about to happen because I am really being tried right now. Difficulties many times are just Gods errands. If we are sent... upon them, it is evidence of his confidence in us.Out of difficulties comes the experience and wisdom. When the lesson is learned, we can then bless anothers life by helping with our wisdom earned, by lending a hand to ones enduring simular trials.

The Wooden Bird

There is an old man by the name of Boyd K Packer. All his life he has enjoyed carving wooden birds. One particular day he and a friend were traveling with a magnificent carving to show another friend; when all of a sudden someone pulled out in front of them. As Boyd’s friend slammed on the brakes, the bird slammed onto the floor and broke all to pieces. Boyds friend immediately pulled over to the side of the road and was devastated. Boyd was not. Without thinking he said, forget it. I made it, I can fix it. And he did. And when he finished his repair of the bird it was stronger and even im...proved. Now Who Made YOU?? Who is your Creator?? There is not anything about your life that gets bent or broken that he cannot fix, and will fix. You have to decide, if you have made mistakes and think you are broken and cannot be put back together. You have forgotten the power of God. So if you are on the wrong path, you must decide to follow your conscience and exercise the powers of repentance. Repentance is like a mathematical equation. It works every time when used correctly. Repentance leads to forgiveness, and in this you will find, what was once weak will become stronger and even improved in the hands of the creator

A Formula for a Happy Marriage:

A Formula for a Happy Marriage: The key to a happy marriage is to never have a missunderstanding that last longer than one day. Every night kneel down by your bedside. And one night you offer the prayer aloud on bended knee and the next night your spouse offer the prayer aloud on bended knee.
If you do this, you shall never have a missunderstanding that will last more than one day. For you can not pray together and still have a missunderstanding of any kind. Shakespeare's Henry the VIII, Cardinal Wolsey who sold out his religiou...s persuasions to please the Monarch of the land, and in his fallen state he declared " had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my King, he would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies. If you pray together you will stay together, then while you are together as a couple serve God with all our heart might mind and strength you will stand together united and blameless at the last day.

(excerpts from Thomas S Monson " Lifes Greatest Decisions")