When we begin to desire and resolve to the need for discipline in our personal lives therein Freedom is found. We can look around the world and take license to do anything our heart desires. But in taking a license we are immediately subjected to the terms, consequences, conditions and bondage our choices
have hidden and contained therein. In life regardless of financial or social standing, Discipline is a prerequisite the removal of the chains of bondage that leads to personal freedom. If we could but catch the vision of Self discipline we ...would find the old adage true. An ounce of Prevention is far better than 10 tons of cure. Put simply the things with which we do not begin we will never have to stop. But if we find our self bound by the license to habits that we so freely took, Self discipline is the only key to the chains and fetters that hold us bound. Self discipline leads to good habits, and good habits are developed through and self restraint in the workshops of our daily lives. It is not in the great moments of test and trial that character is built. In the heat of battle character is merely displayed. So Remember the fetters of bad habits and mistakes coupled with the persons misconduct, overwhelmingly regulates and dominates the life of which is bound. As he or she falls victim to the consequences of their errors. We must remember It is never too late to change, to make things right, to leave old activities and habits behind. Out of tribulation brings humility and a willingness to submit to whatever things the Lord your God would have you endure. Take an inventory of your habits today. Your habits dictate and direct your life they become the fabric of your character, because you see character is found and fashioned in the seemingly often uneventful common place of the routine chores of life .
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